I was diagnosed with breast cancer a little over a month ago. In many ways my life changed overnight. The biggest revelation came fast and didn’t let up… if you had asked me a week before my diagnosis how many people I “had in my corner” I could probably have listed them on two hands, maybe a hand and a half. Turns out I was wrong. The love and support this community and beyond has outpoured has been the most wonderfully overwhelming, surreal at times, experience of my life. I am constantly moved by each and every person who has come into my orbit and have been riding this wave of love, with all its ebbs and flows, through this new journey. I know I will emerge stronger, wiser, and who knows maybe a bit funnier! Thanks to each and every one of you for your love and support and most importantly, showing up!
Thank you for joining our raffle. It is filled with some of our favorite brands and products created by our talented community near and far. Each raffle ticket is $25. By purchasing a raffle ticket you are entered to win! The more raffle tickets you get, the more chances you have to win. We are grateful for your participation and support. All proceeds from the raffle will go towards Natasha’s Cancer treatment costs. *US SHIPPING ONLY*